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SNAPSHOT - March '24


We held our Christmas Program on 23rd December at ICSA Hall, Egmore. We had Mr. Joyson, a student of MCC and his brother Mr. Judah, leading the congregation in worship. Various events were done by the school and college students. We had a dance and musical skit by the  St. Thomas School students on the theme ‘Birth and Love of Christ for the people’. The Anita School students sang a song "It's about the cross" and the College students presented a skit themed ‘The True Meaning of Christmas’.

Mr. Joshua Michael, HR Manager in iOPEX, shared the Christmas message. He spoke about the three S, Jesus Came to deliver us from Sin, deliver us from Solitude and deliver us from Sorrows. Two of our graduates—Mr. Ashok, a consumer banker at the Development Bank of Singapore, and Mr. Kothandaraman, a software developer at IGS Chennai—shared their testimonies, thanked Eternus, and encouraged our students to work hard.

One of our donors, Ms. Roshini (who came all the way from Kuwait), Mr. Ashok Thomas, and Mr. Joshua Michael, distributed the gifts to the kids.

Mr. Ashok Thomas addressed the gathering where he motivated the parents and the students and thanked God for where he has kept us.


The Eternus classes continue to happen four days per week along with regular tests for all the students in the centre. We believe that this helps them revise and have writing practice every day before appearing for their final exams.

As we are nearing the end of the academic year, the schools are conducting assessments every week in both the schools. The public exam for the 11th standard started on 4th of March, and the 10th standard exams started on 26th March.

Counseling session

Currently we have 6 students appearing for the secondary school examination. We organized an exclusive career counseling session on 10th of February, 2024. Dr. Manoharan, the principal of MCC School, was the resource person. He addressed the students on strategies for preparing the exam, and enlightened the students about the different courses that they can pursue in 11th standard.  Additionally, he spoke about the opportunities and streams they can explore for their higher education.

School parents meeting

Eternus has always been considerate in the overall wellbeing of a child and hence continuously works with the families, the parents in encouraging and enlightening them on their parenting and also discussing about the students performance and attendance.  We conduct parents meeting on every last Wednesday for school parents and discuss topics focusing on

- The right way of disciplining the children

- Acceptance

- Emotions in Families 

- Being Role models as Parents



College students have regular online classes and weekly once an offline class. We were able to do the usual syllabus for them, the PPT and Excel. In addition to that we are working on their writing skills. We worked on letter writing, email features and drafting, and reading comprehension. We are teaching Google Research and Program Organizing for the first years. We worked on resume building and interview preparation for the second years.

College parents meeting

College parents meeting happens monthly online over zoom. We have been doing a series on “Shepherding Your Children” and we spoke on Good Shepherd and listed out three aspects of the sheep and the shepherd.

-          He calls them by name

-          He Leads them

-          They recognise the shepherd’s voice 


Bringing our Eternus graduates together for a common cause and fellowship was an initiative we were working on with our graduates across the last three months. Mr. Ashok Thomas, in a meeting with the graduates, reminded them that the foundational objective of Eternus was to nurture a giving community.

The programme - which we called the ETERNUS ALUMNI CONNECT - has three main objectives:

-Equip: To help the graduates become skilled professionals and a better people through training sessions for them thrice a year

Empower: To engage the graduate to share their expertise one -on -one with the school and the college students

Endow: To build a supporting community through donations according to what they could contribute on monthly basis.


Our first ever Alumni Connect session was held on 10th February.

Mr. Elango Periyaselvam, VP, FCB Interface Communications, also someone who holds leadership in various organizations like, Our Daily Bread, Bible Study Fellowship, was the speaker.

The theme was, “Building Core Values” in personal and professional life. We had two main sessions: one focusing on what is core value and why it is important and two on how to build them.

We also held a separate session with the graduates to get feedback and brainstorm on the way forward for the Alumni Connect programme. .

Eternus Graduate’s visit to office

Divya, our graduate works as a Staff Nurse in St George's University, London. As she was on her Winter break, she met with Mr. Ashok Thomas and shared about her work and expressed her gratitude towards Eternus for the life she is having now.

It was delightful to hear from her about the wonderful ways that God has been working in her life; we encouraged her to be a prominent part of our activities in the newly setup Alumni programme.









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